The next steps
In 2015, Public Works and Government Services Canada hired the firm ÉcoGénie to “assess the status of erosion on Îles-de-la-Paix.”
This environmental consulting firm was tasked with assessing the status of erosion on the islands of the Îles‐de‐la‐Paix National Wildlife Area, producing an intervention plan, identifying ecological engineering and restoration solutions, and producing plans and specifications for priority interventions.
The ÉcoGénie firm identified the interventions to be carried out in the Îles-de-la-Paix from severe priority “1 and 2” in red and orange to low priority “4” in green. Project 2020 protected section 28B as well as sections 34 to 38 while project 2023 protected section 12.

As this study dates back to 2015, since then, erosion has done its work. The next priority sections to protect are the orange sections between the two dikes built in 2020. We are currently working to find grants and/or firms interested in this project. This is important because Île aux Plaines is very fragile and the sections of dry land have greatly decreased since 2015.